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Indonesian Interpreter in Oxford Magistrates Court

Lina Liu

I was booked as an Indonesian interpreter for the Crown Prosecution Service at Oxford Magistrates Court on my birthday 29 May 19. I happily got up at 6.30am before my alarm, I meditated for 30 minutes, I rang my folks in Malaysia around 7.20am, which is around 2.20pm in Malaysia, I had a brief chat with them, and walked to Paddington station to catch my train to Oxford. My journey went smoothly to Oxford Magistrates Court. I arrived on time, so as the witness. However, the court was unable to book an Indonesian interpreter for the defendant. The witness is the victim of an "Actual Bodily Harm" crime.He is from the East Timor, his native language is Tetum. However, there isn't a court qualified Tetum interpreter in the UK due the Charted Institute of Linguists is unable to set up an exam for Tetum language.Majority of people in East Timor speaks Indonesian because East Timor is an ex colony of Indonesia. This particular witness speaks very good Indonesian, we communicated perfectly well, he has been in the UK for 3 years, he is unable to understand formal English. The case was adjourned until 18th July, however, we stayed in court for 2.5 hours, Being an Indonesian interpreter, my task was to help him with all communications with the court staff, I helped him to fill in his witness expenses claim form and his legal consultation with his barrister. It was an easy day, we left court around 12.30pm, and it was raining cats and dogs! Luckily I got my colourful brolli with me!

By the time I walked to the train station, I was terribly soaked, my train which was booked at 2pm was cancelled. Well, it wasn't too bad, there are plenty of trains going to London! I was walking in the rain for like 25 minutes, the rain got me a bit ill, I rested at home for a few hours.

I wouldn't let the rain ruined my day, I went to Kundalini Yoga and Gong Bath at Indaba Yoga Studio in the evening. The best thing I could have done for myself on my birthday! I do not want to party as I used to. The 1.5 hours breathing exercises completely shifted my energy, I was blending in the sounds of the beautiful gong. I left the class like a new person! I was no longer ill!

The sweet receptionist at the Indaba Yoga Studio gave me a Palo Santo incense stick as my birthday present, I was about to pay for the Palo Santo stick, but she insisted it was my birthday present. I absolutely love the smell of Palo Santo.

Paol Santo came from the Amazon forests in Peru and Ecuador, they were grown by the Shamans, they are sacred tress, it was said that the trees are telling the locals to stop chopping down the woods. I am very grateful of that beautiful incense stick, thank you to the scared tree! Palo Santo has been used to clear negative energy, good for daily cleansing. I do burn it regularly during my morning meditation routine.

I burned the Palo Santo stick in the evening and felt very calm and content

. What a beautiful way to end my birthday.

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