33 years experience
Lina Liu offers the following classes:
Mandarin language lesson
Bahasa Indonesian lesson
Bahasa Malay lesson
Why choose Lina Liu as your language teacher?
Over 20 years language teaching experience
Lina Liu first taught beginner Mandarin course at University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur in 1992 as a part time job. She then progressed offering private language lessons to adults and children in London.
High profile clientele - teaching diplomats
Lina Liu has taught British diplomatic staff from the Ministry of Defence and the Commonwealth and Foreign Office on 9 months beginner and intermediate Bahasa Indonesian and Malay courses from 2004-2007.
Lina Liu has worked as an examiner for language proficiency exams for the MoD, testing the language proficiency of defence attache before being posted to the designated countries.
One to one or small groups
The lessons are designed to give maximum attention to each individual, one to one and small group learning enable the tutor to focus on specific pupil needs.
Bespoke Lesson
A custom designed study plan will be created according to client requirements and overall objectives to be achieved. Over the past year Lina has built the confidence and improved the performance of her students in their high profile career.
Teaching Approach
Lina’s teaching approaches are a combination of: Task-Based Learning, Person-centred approaches and Communicative Language Teaching.
Fun, flexible and interactive method
Learning a language is not a boring task. Come to learn languages with audio, interactive games and role play.
Available to travel to your home or office
The lessons take place at your preferred locations at the convenience of the client. Lessons can be held at Lina's premises in W9, or the local area in W2 and W9. For those who are based outside the above area, extra fees will be requested according to distances involved.

Tailored specifically to fit client's schedule, 1-to-1 lessons are perfect for busy individuals. These classes take place at a requested location. 40 lessons of private tuition to complete one level. It is strongly advise that students study for a minimum of 2 lessons at any one time.
Package of 40 lessons: £55 per lesson (this is designed to complete level 1)
Package of 80 lessons : £50 per lesson (this is designed to complete level 2)
Package of 120 lessons: £45 per lesson (this is designed to complete level 3)
Trial session: £50 for 30 minutes
Fees indicated are a guidance for students in W9 and W2 area. Extra fees apply according to the travel distance involved.
Note - materials and registration will be added to the quote price. Each lesson is 1 hour.