33 years experience

Dealing, entertaining, negotiating and corresponding with colleagues or clients from different cultures can be a minefield.
Understanding and appreciating intercultural differences ultimately promotes clearer communication, breaks down barriers, builds trust, strengthens relationships, opens horizons and yields tangible results in terms of business success.
Cultural Awareness Training
Offer a range of flexible, vibrant and effective cultural awareness workshops.
Design and deliver specifically for each individual client.
Lina offers a comprehensive service, covering a vast range of countries, cultures, skills and sectors.
Doing Business in Asia?
If you or your company are looking for success in Asia, the cultural awareness and etiquette courses are guaranteed to maximise your potential in Asia.
Lina's cross cultural awareness training is tailored to meet the demands of today's progressive business personnel who are having business links with China, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Indonesia.
The aim of the training is to help prepare for dealings with the Asian countries by imparting invaluable knowledge that will assist in building strong interpersonal relationships, promote clear lines of communication and help minimise cross cultural misunderstandings.
Communicating with the Asians
• Beliefs, culture, values, ethics, customs and national character
• Interpersonal relations
• Building relationships
• Communication – verbal and non-verbal
• Social etiquette and protocol
Doing Business in Asia
• Language tuition
• Preparing to travel to Asia
• Business in Asia – features, traditions and ethics
• Comparative analysis of business practices
• Using intermediaries
• Business etiquette
• Business entertaining
• Negotiations
• Cross cultural man-management
Relocating to Asia
• Preparing for the move
• What to bring?
• History, culture and values
• Western perceptions of Asia
• Attitudes to foreigners
• The family – raising children, education, holidays
• Spouse coaching
• Public behaviour and etiquette
• Food and drink
• Transport, shopping and entertainment